1. Scope

ReWeb is a limited liability company with a capital of 100,000 Dhs, registered in the trade register under No. 121835, whose head office is located at 2, Rue Al Annabia, Sector 11 Hay Riad, Rabat, Morocco.

These general conditions relate to the offer and the services offered by Reweb on its website www.reweb.ma (hereinafter “merchant site”).

The offer is non-binding. By its acceptance (written or electronic) or by the use of the provision of service, the client (hereinafter “the client”) accepts the general conditions, including the other integral parts (in particular the rules of conduct, price list and payment terms) of the contract with ReWeb.

2. ReWeb services and rights

2.1. ReWeb offers the provision of Internet hosting service and the sale of domain names under the conditions of the hosting package ordered. ReWeb provides the services in the context of operation that it has at its disposal. ReWeb may call on third parties to provide the service.

2.2. ReWeb can adapt the service provision at any time. Changes in the provision of the service come into force by informing the customer by letter, e-mail or other suitable means. Customers approve the version, valid at a given time, by the use of the service. Article 4.3 is applicable for price increases.

2.3. If a competent authority denounces the illegal use of the service provision by ReWeb, if such use is obvious or if there is a relevant suspicion of such use, in particular on the basis of the indication of a third parties, then ReWeb may compel the customer to use it in accordance with the contract, suspend the provision of the service for an indefinite period and / or terminate the contract with immediate effect, without reimbursement and without compensation. Further measures of ReWeb in the event of illegal use of the service provision or in the event of a similar suspicion are reserved. ReWeb can take the same measures when the customer disregards the contractual provisions.

2.4. ReWeb acquires an Internet domain name at the customer’s request and expense. This domain name becomes the property of the customer upon payment to ReWeb of the costs associated with its registration, annual maintenance and commissioning.

2.5. ReWeb can be contacted by one of the means provided on the contact page of its merchant site, ReWeb undertakes to update this information in the event of any change.

2.6. The services offered by ReWeb are not geographically limited, they can be ordered internationally.

3. Responsibility and obligations of the customer

3.1. The customer is responsible for the information (texts, images, audio / video files, computer programs, databases, etc.) that he and the third parties who communicate with him, have transmitted or used by ReWeb with his agreement, which they do broadcast or have them ready for viewing. The customer is also responsible for references (in particular links) to such information.

The posting or installation of links or redirection scripts to illegal information is prohibited, in particular representations of violence, pornography, discrimination, mistreatment, calls to violence or crimes, games of chance , violation of copyright, trademark rights or other intangible property rights, violations of personality, defamatory, scandalous information or private information (text, images, videos, etc.) without authorization, l ‘scam, …, etc.

The customer acknowledges the rules of conduct, general conditions and terms of use which are communicated appropriately by ReWeb (in particular on the ReWeb website or by email). The customer must observe the netiquettes.

3.3. The legal requirements of Morocco and abroad must be observed when using the service.

The customer is responsible for putting the information on his hosting package or server into service.

3.5. If ReWeb registers an Internet domain name for the customer, the latter recognizes the contractual conditions of the registrar (Registry) which is responsible for assigning the domain name. The customer has no claim against ReWeben in relation to the acquisition of domain names. Under no circumstances is ReWeb responsible for registration in Online or Offline directories. Customer bears registration fees and ICANN fees.

3.6. The customer ensures that the identification of the user and the password are not known to other persons and that the information on this subject is not made accessible.

3.7. The customer commits not to send mass e-mails, this includes mass sending for marketing reasons or sending to people who have not requested it (“Junk Mail” or “Spamming”). A use outside of normal transactional emails or a complaint for Spamming from a user or an email provider, may result in the temporary or permanent suspension in case of repetitions, of the hosting package or server, with immediate effect. , without reimbursement and without compensation. This also includes the SPAM carried out by the intermediary of a badly configured script or security flaws present in the code hosted on the client’s site and allowing the sending of emails from outside the server through its pack of hosting or server.

3.8. The customer has the possibility of creating and running his dynamic scripts (PHP, MySQL,…) on his own hosting space. This use must be reasonable, however, in order to provide a good quality service, we reserve the right to suspend sites using scripts that consume a large percentage of system resources (CPU, RAM, Disk I / O, Tape). network pass-through, …) and thus endanger the proper functioning of the hosting server, or terminate the contract with immediate effect, without reimbursement and without compensation. We see this problem for example, on websites using CMS (WordPress, Joomla, or others) with pirated plugins or themes, sites with security problems or failure on the PHP code, streaming sites (audio / video) , online gaming sites, very busy information sites, or the use of the service as storage space, archiving or file sharing, etc.

3.9. Uploading malware, files containing Viruses or malicious scripts is strictly prohibited, even unintentionally. If such files are detected, ReWeb may suspend the provision of the service for an indefinite period and / or terminate the contract with immediate effect, without reimbursement and without compensation. This measure is also valid in the event of detection of malicious files injected by hackers from unsecured scripts, CMS, modules, themes and plugins not updated on the client’s hosting package or server.

3.10. Excessive use or monopolization of the mail server by any means whatsoever is strictly prohibited, ReWeb may suspend the provision of the service for an indefinite period or terminate the contract with immediate effect, without reimbursement and without compensation, in in order to maintain the availability of the messaging service in a fair way for all customers who share the same server within the framework of shared hosting offers.

4. Billing and payment terms

4.1. ReWeb services are prepaid services, the customer must proceed to payment before activating the service.

4.2. Payment by bank transfer or transfer to our account Payment by bank transfer does not allow the reservation of products. The order is only validated after receipt of payment. Beyond a period of 7 days, if the ReWeb does not receive a transfer to the following account, the order is canceled:


Account number (IBAN): MA 46 007 810 0006275000000127 72

Beneficiary: REWEB SARL

SWIFT Address (BIC): BCMAMAMC The customer should take into consideration that a bank transfer requires at least 48 hours for the money to be transferred from one account to another. For practical reasons, the user must indicate the number of his order by reference to his transfer. The validation of an order paid by bank transfer is only done after receipt of the latter.

After making your transfer, you must send us proof of your payment by email as well as the number of YOUR order.

It is necessary to write the order number on the proof of payment and send it to us by email at contact@reweb.ma to activate the order as soon as possible.

4.3. The renewal of subscriptions is not automatic. The customer must make the payment before the due date. In the event of late payment, ReWeb may suspend the operation of the service or terminate the contract with immediate effect and without compensation.

4.4. ReWeb reserves the right to modify the prices at any time. ReWeb announces any price increases in time, so that the customer can dissolve the contract before the expiry date. Without a written request for termination within this period, the changes are considered accepted by the customer.

4.5. To pay for an order by credit card, the customer must choose the means of payment among those offered by ReWeb in the Order Form (Visa, MasterCard or CMI). payment by Moroccain bank card is secured by the CMI (Center Monétique Interbancaire) which offers a fully secure payment service, the payment transaction being carried out on the secure platform of the CMI, the customer’s bank details do not pass through ReWeb’s computer system and do not are not brought to the attention of e ReWeb or its staff. The responsibility of ReWeb can in no case be engaged for this purpose, which the customer recognizes and accepts expressly and without reserve, in accordance with article 30 of the law 31-08. The customer guarantees the AReWeb Company that he has the necessary authorizations to use the payment method chosen by him, when validating his order. In the event of payment by bank card, the provisions relating to the fraudulent use of the means of payment provided for in the agreements concluded between the customer and the card issuer on the one hand, and between the ReWeb Company and its banking establishment. on the other hand apply.

4.6. Withdrawal period, Satisfied or Refunded guarantee

4.6.1. The customer can exercise his right of withdrawal in accordance with legal provisions. To do this, the customer must contact ReWeb to warn of his intention to return all or part of the order, within 30 calendar days from the date of commissioning. Any failure to comply with this return obligation as indicated above will be considered as a waiver of the customer to exercise his right of withdrawal. This right of withdrawal relates only to web hosting services and does not include domain names for example.

4.6.2. The customer must ensure to check the conformity of the products activated following his order. If, after processing his order, he notices that he has received a service that does not comply with the one ordered, he must contact the ReWeb sales department within 48 hours of activating the service, in order to proceed after studying his case, replacing the service delivered by that initially desired. Any complaint made after this deadline will be rejected and ReWeb will be released from all liability.

4.6.3. The “Satisfied or Refunded” guarantee concerns only new orders and cannot be applied in the following cases:
– The increase orders, that is to say the change of the hosting package or server to another higher.
– Orders for Domain names, SSL Certificates, additional licenses for a hosting service.
– When reimbursement is requested following an ABUS case opened following the violation of our general conditions of sale present on this document.

4.7. The customer can request the cancellation of his order at any time before receiving confirmation of the activation of his service. ReWeb reserves the right not to accept this cancellation request in the event that an installation procedure has already been initiated, in case of acceptance of this request by ReWeb, the payment made will not be refunded, and will be credited customer account to be used for payment of subsequent orders.

5. Guarantee and liability

5.1. ReWeb warranty and liability

5.1.1. ReWeb does not provide any guarantee for the trouble-free operation of the service provision. ReWeb cannot guarantee uninterrupted service, service at a specific time and the quality of the data recorded and transmitted. ReWeb is not responsible for the inadvertent publication of data, as well as their deterioration or deletion.

5.1.2. ReWeb is not responsible for any claims or damages that arise with the customer or the customer of the latter, in particular for damages due to loss of data, or due to the inability to obtain access to the Internet, or to send or receive information.

5.1.3. ReWeb cannot be held responsible for fraudulent use and damage by third parties, for security defects in the telecommunications network and the Internet, and for the costs of repair and support services.

5.1.4. ReWeb is not responsible for interruptions of operation which serve for the repair of faults, for maintenance, for the introduction of new technologies or for similar purposes.

5.2. Customer warranty and liability

5.2.1. The customer is liable vis-à-vis ReWeb for all damages which relate to the violation of his responsibility and his contractual obligations.

5.2.2. If ReWeb, a member body, a manager or an employee of ReWeb were prosecuted criminally, civilly or administratively for the illegality of the information offered by the customer and / or that they are asked to account, the customer is then responsible for the damage. Claims for moral damages are reserved.

5.5.3. ReWeb is only bound for the performance of its obligations to the extent that no event of major force does not come to hinder them.

6. Protection, publication and security of personal data

6.1. When processing personal data, ReWeb complies with Moroccan data protection and telecommunications law in force. ReWeb does not sell or rent the personal data of its customers.

6.2. ReWeb reserves the right to make the identity of the customer known at the request of third parties, and to force the customer to disclose his identity when he appears on the Internet, within a framework that complies with the regulations in force. In the event that we should comply with the law, enforce our policies or protect our rights, property or safety, ReWeb reserves the right to disclose your personal information.

6.3. ReWeb strives to take economically supportable, technically possible and proportional measures to guarantee the provision of the service. When using the internet, the following data protection risks exist in particular for the customer: unencrypted e-mails sent by the customer can be read, modified, withheld or delayed by unauthorized malicious persons. The senders of these emails can be technically forged. Contributions to newsgroups, forums, and chats can be forged, tampered with, and exploited by malicious people. These attackers can potentially monitor Internet traffic usage and discover usernames and passwords especially on shared networks. Data encryption improves the confidentiality and reliability of information.

6.4. During any commercial contact with ReWeb, the customer is required to provide their real personal information.

6.5. The customer approves that his data made personal to ReWeb can be used by ReWeb for marketing purposes for the provision of services or products of ReWeb, and that ReWeb makes the customer attentive to interesting offers. Personal data is treated confidentially.

6.6. In accordance with Law No. 09-08 promulgated by Dahir 1-09-15 of February 18, 2009, relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (BO n ° 5714 of 03/05 / 2009), the Customer has the right to access, rectify and oppose the use of information concerning him. He can exercise these rights and obtain communication of information concerning him from the sales department by email, by support ticket or by post.

The Customer remains exclusively and fully responsible for the processing of personal data that he carries out on his own account and undertakes, with regard to said data, to comply with all legal and regulatory requirements relating to IT. , files and freedoms, and in particular to carry out all appropriate preliminary formalities with the National Commission for the control of the protection of Personal Data (CNDP).

The information collected on the merchant site is processed by the company ReWeb intended for customer management. This processing was authorized by the CNDP under Number A-GC-130/2017 dated 07/21/2017.

6.7. The customer undertakes to keep a valid e-mail address and postal address, ReWeb communicates to the customer by e-mail the codes and passwords which allow the operation of its services. The customer also has the right to delete his personal information if he does not have active services at ReWeb, to exercise this right, the customer must send a request to the ReWeb sales department through his customer area.

6.8. ReWeb prohibits the use of malware or adware on its merchant site.

6.9. As part of the registration or transfer of a domain name, in accordance with the provisions in force by ICANN, the following information, indicated by the client when ordering, is made public on the Whois: Name, first name, company name, postal address, email, telephone number. The customer can hide this information by activating the “ID Protect” option on the supported extensions.

7. Confidentiality

The parties treat confidentially all information which is not known to everyone, nor accessible to everyone. When in doubt, information should be treated confidentially. This obligation of secrecy already exists before the conclusion of the contract and lasts beyond the end of the contract.

8. Duration of the contract and termination

8.1. ReWeb guarantees (in accordance with chapter 5) the duration of the contract for a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual period, depending on the type of product and the expiry period chosen by the customer at the time of his order.

8.2. Apart from pre-paid services, the customer can terminate his contract with a period of 30 days from the end of the term of the contract, after this period, the customer becomes indebted to ReWeb for the amount of renewal of his contract.

8.3.ReWeb may terminate the contract with immediate effect and without compensation if bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings have been initiated against the customer, or in the event of illegal use or following a denunciation by a competent authority (See article 2.3 ).

8.4. ReWeb may terminate the contract with immediate effect, without reimbursement and without compensation, in the event of non-compliance with these terms of use.

9. Litigation – Competent jurisdiction

The general conditions of sale are governed by Moroccan law. ReWeb and the customer undertake to seek an amicable solution before any recourse to justice. Any dispute to which these conditions could give rise will be brought before the Court to which the consumer’s domicile or place of residence or the jurisdiction of the place where the event that caused the prejudice to the consumer’s choice occurred.

10. Legal notices

The website owner: www.reweb.ma and the Limited Liability Company

with capital of 100,000 dirhams registered in the Trade Register of Rabat under number 121835, Patent: 25510675, Fiscal identifier: 20710192, CNSS: 5237054.

For any inquiries, any information relating to the conditions of sale on the Site or any other technical question, you can contact the company calling +212 537 710 070


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